Air Travel
Car Travel
Building Energy
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To get started playing the carbon races, please start by offsetting your travel or home energy use.
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Or, send check to Sustainable Finger Lakes / 309 N Aurora / Ithaca, NY 14850 with 'FLCF' in memo line
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round trip?
Calculate Offset
Or, send check to Sustainable Finger Lakes / 309 N Aurora / Ithaca, NY 14850 with 'FLCF' in memo line
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Calculate Offset
Or, send check to Sustainable Finger Lakes / 309 N Aurora / Ithaca, NY 14850 with 'FLCF' in memo line
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Or, send check to Sustainable Finger Lakes / 309 N Aurora / Ithaca, NY 14850 with 'FLCF' in memo line
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